More than Sensory: Water Investigations with Infants & Toddlers

toddlers exploring water
babies exploring water
child pouring water
baby handing a sponge

Water provides endless opportunities for young children to explore and problem solve as well as to engage in a developmentally appropriate sensory experience. Infant and toddler educators can provide a wide variety of materials to engage children’s interest and extend their actions as they lay the foundation for later learning. Water experiences are a crowd favorite for toddlers, but can be equally accessible to infants with well thought-out planning of the experience and careful selection of materials. Educator support for safety and to provide easy access to the water tub or table is essential for this age group.

Workshop format:  face-to-face

Length of workshop:  3 hours

Number of participants:  limited to 24

To view the experience sheet for this workshop, please click here.